To serve God and our Community through the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to God's people, thus creating a spirit of unit and love within our faith community
To assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion during a Eucharistic Mass, and to assist by taking Holy Communion to the sick and home bound.
1. To help, support and learn from each other by sharing experience.
2. To bond each other and work as a team.
3. To roster the duty in a systematic way and assist Pastoral Care for the Elderly group when required.
4. To involve Pastoral Committee meeting.
為團體及禮儀需要, 本組成員以共融精神, 協助司祭分送聖體給予天主百姓,從而建立一個愛的團體
1, 分享送聖體(聖血)的經驗,及信仰反省,使能互相學習,互相支持;
2, 增加非常務送聖體員間之互相認識,使更有團體感;
3, 分派工作,安排聖堂內,及聖堂外送聖體(聖血)的輪值表;
4, 參與堂區牧民議會,或禮儀小組,以提供意見,並協調禮儀中的服務;
5. 又可透过安排避静,定期的圣经分享、祈祷聚会、朝拜圣体、信仰讲座等,来增进非常务送圣体员的灵修。
David Hong
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Mobile: 0414 248 937