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Chinese Catholic Pastoral Community


Newsletter Team 牧靈通訊編輯組


The newsletter team has graduated from hand-written articles and manual printing to a computerised system since 1983. The main task of the group is to prepare the semi-annual publication of Sinica to provide information related to Catholicism, upcoming activities to subscribers.


由1983年成立至今,通訊組已由當初教友人手抄寫,人手操作油墨機編印,發展到現在以電腦化排版,修飾及編印。編輯崗位亦因教友去留而轉換多次,現今可 說是安定下來。通訊組主要負責籌備及出版團體半年刊 SINICA 牧靈通訊。每半年出版『牧靈通訊』前會議相討主題,希望透過半年刊增加教友對宗教信仰及堂區大家庭的知識及興趣。

Mission 宗旨

News 消息

Activities 活動


The group meets once every 6 months to discuss the theme and articles to be published in the coming issue.



Contact 聯絡




Sally Wan

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Calendar 日曆