CASS 天主教亞洲學生會
The Catholic Asian Students' Society is the community's university outreach group whose aim is to minister to university students and bring them to the awareness of Christ's presence throughout their university life. From a humble beginning of around 40 members, it has grown today to over 300 strong, with independent branches at 4 different universities ~ UNSW (established 1992), USyd (1993), MacqU (1994) and UTS (1995) ~ as well as Central, which serves a coordinating role in bringing the uni CASS branches together for activities. As its name suggests, CASS primarily serves Catholic Asian students, although it embraces people from all religions and cultures.
As well as weekly on-campus Bible study at each university, CASS hosts a number of inter-university events each year to unite together God's children from all over Sydney. These include the "Pray and Play" (a.k.a. the CASS welcoming picnic), the CASS Walkathon, the CASS Annual Retreat, the "Angel Cup" (a religious trivia that pits the uni branches against each other), the CASS Thanksgiving Mass and Annual Dinner, as well as seminars, community service activities, Christmas carolling each December, and branch-based Exam Masses at the conclusion of each semester.
Our CASS Bible Sharing times and locations can vary between semesters and between university branches. For the latest bible sharing times and locations please refer to our Facebook account:
宗旨:以大學為基地,為大學生提供靈修分享、聯誼活動及社會服務。CASS今年踏入第三十一年,會員遍及四間大學 - 紐修威大學(UNSW)、雪梨大學(USyd)、麥覺理大學(MacqU)及科技大學(UTS)。由起初以照顧天主教亞洲留學生為主,現今服務範圍已包括 其他文化背景或宗教之大學生。
詳情可到天主教亞洲學生會臉書 瀏覽及查詢各大學負責人之聯絡,或向 John Ting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 查詢。