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Chinese Catholic Pastoral Community


HOME (Heart of Mary Eternal) 天主教畢業生團體


HOME (Heart of Mary Eternal) is a group of young adult Catholics who are in the workforce and wish to further develop their spirituality. Our members come from a variety of professions and backgrounds, may be ex-CASS or may have come along wanting to learn more about their faith. HOME provides young adults the opportunity to share and support each other in their new role as young working members of the society. Bestowed with the talents from God and guided by the Holy Spirit, HOME strives to undertake the three S's: Spiritual, Social and Service, in everything we do.


Mission 宗旨


Empowered by Christ, we seek growth in our spiritual journey through Discipleship, Fellowship, and Service'


服務對象為畢業後踏入社會工作的年青天主教徒,為會員提供靈修及信仰分享。活動以 3"S" 為宗旨, 'Spiritual, Social, Service' 靈修性、社會性、服務性。



Activities 活動


Regular meeting time and venue


Rosary - first Monday of every month


SCD (Study of Church Documents/Seeking Catholic Dimension) - every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month


Both events at 8pm, Asiana Centre





Contact 聯絡


Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Calendar 日曆