Library Services Group was established in 1993. The group aims to provide information and reading material to everyone, believers and non-believers alike, who is interested in expanding their knowledge in Catholicism.
Currently, the library has over 300 books and approximately 100 audio and video tapes. The library also has storage of the latest Hong Kong Catholic news and a number of DVDs; all categorised in professional manner. Due to limited resources, the library catalogue is yet to be computerised, so the current 8 librarians have been providing invaluable service.
Opening hours is between 10:30 am and 11:00 am and also between 12:00 noon and 12:30pm on every Sunday. Anyone who is interested in applying for library card or simply wants to join the group and lend a helping hand can contact either Betty Chan or the librarian on duty.
圖書角的藏書大致跟隨正規圖書館的分類方法,由專業人士作出分類,但因各方面條件所限,未能電腦化,如果教友發覺尋找資料有困難,可向當值人員尋求協助。 圖書服務組成員並不多,只有八人,相信是各善會中最小的;但組員之間相處極其融洽,除了每兩月一次的小組運作的會議外,亦經常舉辦聯誼活動如聚餐,旅行及朝聖等。
各位教友如果有意成為圖書角的讀者,可於圖書角開放時間辦理登記手續;如果有意參與圖書服務工作,亦可向當值人員或 Betty Chan 聯絡。