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Chinese Catholic Pastoral Community


Sacred Heart of Jesus Sodality 耶穌聖心善會

Sacred Heart of Jesus Sodality 耶穌聖心善會

Mission 宗旨


The mission statement for the sodality is "Through the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we provide activities to bring together the baptised members of our Church community".




News 消息

Activities 活動


Activities: In summary, nearly every month the sodality has organised an activity for the community, be it a sharing, a talk, a social gathering or a trip. Often times we will engage experts in different disciplines either within our community or without to give talks on welfare, financial planning, health, science and religious matters.


Strting from January 2007, the Sodality has re-introduced a Chinese Mass on the first Friday night of the month to commemorate the sufferings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a small step to put our mission statement back into practice.


The committee meets monthly to review past events and plan new events.

Everyone is welcome to join us as our financial member. Annual membership fee is $2. Life membership is $30.









Contact 聯絡


會長:Celeste Law
副會長:Beatrice Mui 
秘書:Wey Yeh 電話:0439 918 938
財政:吳偉雄 電話:0427 232 169
神修:何潤發 電話:9858 4257,0416 092 148

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


President: Celeste Law 
Vice-president: Beatrice Mui
Secretary: Wey Yeh 0439 918 938
Treasurer: Jimmy Ng 0427 232 169
Spirituality: Eddie Ho 9858 4257, 0416 092 148

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Calendar 日曆